The reviews are in from the Oscars new beauty raves. This tightening gel is the secret to Nicole Kidman's smooth to the Met Galla. In Style Magazine was wowed by Nicole Kidman's flawless Met Gala Skin to the American Country Music Awards. People marvels at the peachy glow, and beyond.

Nicole Kidman has been turning heads. Thanks to this leaf in age defying research, which uses a cutting edge encapsulation tech to create what they call deep nanoactives, a new sub micron format that allows powerful age defying molecules to penetrate the skin to the lower malayers, addressing the signs of aging from within. But now this skin science breakthrough is available for everyone. Here's what some women from across the nation are saying.

I was turned on to this two months ago. And when I first started it, I was just using it on my eyes, just underneath my eyes. And, oh, what I found is that a little bit goes a long way. I tell you when I put your product on my face And then I just looked at it.

I thought, did that really happen so fast? Like, I see a difference in my skin. Was amazed. It's amazing.

It's light. Doesn't feel heavy. And like I said, I have really sensitive skin. I'm, and I'm at an age now where your hormones are changing.

So I have to be really careful. And I feel like this product, it goes with your DNA. So stay with us and discover the difference and why this skin science breakthrough will help you finally take advantage of an age defined solution that actually works. Aging mutation discovered.

This discovery is the reason millions of people around the world suffer from loose and sagging skin, especially around the eyes, lip, forehead, and neck. Scientists from the University of Cambridge and the Wheel Cornell School of Medicine made the discovery after discovering what they believe to be the true root cause of loose and sagging skin. This phenomenon has traced the root cause of the aging process back to childhood and how external factors can actually accelerate or slow down the aging process. Factors such as to environmental toxins, processed foods, and cosmetics loaded with chemicals can press the fast forward button the decay of cellular function in the body.

Scientists have called this phenomenon somatic mutation, and it is the root cause behind why millions of women over the age of forty struggle with finding a skin care routine that yields noticeable results. These mutations happen as the body ages and are key reason behind the development of signs of accelerated aging. This means that even if you were born with those good genes, when it comes to aging gracefully, So somatic mutations can still cause accelerated aging, preventing cell growth, limiting collagen production, and causing the skin to look at saggier and looser earlier than it should.

Every year, these somatic mutations in women increase between two to five percent on average. By the time most women hit forty, it's time to take drastic steps to offset permanent damage. But here's the good news. Today, we reveal the break through secret to younger looking skin.

Thanks to new research on skin damage caused by somatic mutations.

A new one of a kind formula using deep nano active or DNA technology, combining powerful ingredients in a unique way to revolutionize your skin's appearance.

Developed over five years, our patent pending formula is truly in a league by itself. In tackling the visible effects of aging caused by somatic mutations. Unlike most mainstream anti aging treatments, Our formula doesn't suffocate your skin, which will actually worsen the visibility of marionette lines, wrinkles, and furrows.

Big beauty brands have hidden this secret for decades choosing to push their agenda of temporary fixes.

But today, we are now able to take a completely different approach to how we target wrinkles, fine lines, and furrows, one that has never been seen before. This new approach is all thanks to genius scientists' incredible breakthrough, and how we can deliver these active ingredients to skin cells affected by somatic mutations. And the results speak for themselves.

In addition to Nicole Kidman crediting her glowing Oscar's look to this new breakthrough treatment Hundreds of other real women have tried this breakthrough new anti aging treatment and are lining up to share their results with the world. Here's just a few. My name is Donnie, and I am fifty three year old. I find that the older you get, your skin changes, and you have to use different products with better ingredients.

Light has changed like every five to seven years, and so what worked for me when I was twenty, that certainly does not work surely that. You have used this scientific knowledge to create something for my skin. That's what I feel like. Now, this is created for my skin.

It recharges my skin. It will make my skin look better because it works from the inside out. For me?

My name is Jennifer, and my age with a nasty question. My age is fifty nine. The fact that I don't feel like I have old lady skin anymore, and that The wrinkles are less defined. And crepiness is a little bit better, and I feel like I actually have a glow because of this product, it's invaluable to me.

Really invaluable to me. My name is Tricia. I am sixty three. I will be sixty four and a week. I have not always had success with my skin and not with products as well. I was a lifeguard in college for four years during the days of baby oil and iodine. I destroyed my skin.

And I didn't know what I was doing. In fact, I didn't even know what sunscreen was until I was roughly forty years old. By then, it was too late. I am very surprised. To find out there's a product that can actually go deep within the epidermis and actually work from the inside out. That is shocking to me. That's a game changer.

That is a game changer. I only know one other product that can do something like that, and that's a prescription.

These glowing stories are just the tip of the iceberg with how disruptive this new breakthrough in skin care technology is in two thousand twenty three. But what makes this attainable? Has science really made this possible?

Today, you will hear from one of the world's foremost scientists on treatment delivery systems. He is going to help our audience cut through all of the noise that today's women are bombarded with at every corner, and he will reveal how this new approach to skin care treatments provide a healthy alternative to expensive and risky surgical procedures are often ineffective injections to maintain an aura of poised confidence from within. Rob Davidson is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical researchers, and the lead developer of BRAKE through pharmaceutical products such as Zaicam and chloriseptic strips.

He is lectured at University of Cambridge, and for the past two decades. He has been a leading innovator in the development and science, powering new ways to active ingredients into the body. He is the chief science officer of Saratomical Revolution and has spent the past past five years developing this revolutionary new wrinkle reduction system that will not only reduce signs of aging in real time, but can provide lasting with ongoing use. His research has even caught the attention of Hollywood a listers as a new secret weapon that doesn't require the pain, expense, and recovery time of lasers, injections, or risky surgery.

Rob wasn't always working with Hollywood celebrities to develop their anti aging secrets. He spent close to two decades in the field researching how to deliver vital medications to some of the world's most vulnerable populations.

His early work was focused on delivering malaria medication to children who did not have adequate access to clean water.

After seeing many children and families continue to suffer and even die from malaria infections.

He knew there was technology available that could help deliver these powerful medications without needing clean water to work. These very same technologies have now been applied to encapsulating active ingredients into powerful anti aging serums that are part of the Saratomical family. In a recent interview, Rob broke it all down for Research has discovered several years ago that epigenetics plays a key role in the aging process and the causation of somatic mutations in our skin cells. Sematic mutations are the damage that happens and occurs in the DNA in the cell structures.

Typically caused by environmental factors such as sun, wind, it could be outside chemical influences. As a result of these mutated cells, the body and the skin in general has a difficulty in creating lassen. So the elasticity of the skin becomes compromised collagen becomes a factor, decrease in the ability to create collagen, and also just the thickness of the skin. It actually becomes thinner potentially more brittle, and you really lose that protective barrier that the skin allows for.

Skin happens to be the largest organ in the body, and it's there for reasons, really supposed to this. But as these mutations proliferate, it actually compromises the skin's integrity. Right now we're working specifically on skin cells and how they can be damaged through environmental factors. And the research proves this out that there's proliferation of somatic mutations in the skin cells.

The DNA complex is really all about getting product the ingredients into the deepest layers of the skin. And I'm sure you recognize when you use a lot of skin care products. It really just sits on the surface. So to be able to get actives to help support that skin, and really help the functionality of healing and collagen growth and things like that.

It's really important to get into the deeper layers. Women with elevated somatic mutation levels often show signs of loss of volume or collagen production, thin, brittle, translucent looking skin, increased incidence of age blotches or spots, less firmness.

Loose slacking skin that looks heavy and reveals fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

Loss of elasticity, especially on the jawline and neck creating jowls or turkey neck. These are visible symptoms of elevated somatic mutations, and we urge women to get a head start on addressing them fast.

So the way we really aligned with the formulation was to look at ways we can complement each active together and really create what we would call a entourage effect, where you have a group of molecules or ingredients working together to effectuate an efficacious result. We only pick ingredients that actually have support by science community and studies. I think is really key. We talked about that entourage effect, having that antioxidant, having the peptides, having like collagen support, and all the different ingredients we utilize together is really the key to the functionality of that product.

The research settles it. The reason other wrinkle reduction breakthroughs fail to work is simple. They fail to achieve what Rob has called the entourage effect.

We achieve this entourage effect by carefully blending a matrix of cutting edge active ingredients with a patent pending four stage nano activation process that encapsulates our ingredients into a liposomal format that targets the damage caused by somatic mutation.

After years of watching things get worse and worse, our team was just fed up with the corners being cut by shady mainstream anti aging technology.

Our chief science officer, Rob Davidson, and his team of scientists spent almost eighty seven hundred hour in the laboratory, engineering a new age defined formula. The real challenge was finding a way to permeate the skin in an extremely gentle yet highly effective way. This is because of one simple fact. The skin's primary function is to protect and repel external toxin and threats to our delicate internal organs. Why would anybody go under the knife, inject their face or subject themselves to the amount of pain and trauma that is the gruesome reality of many of the nation's top plastic surgery studios.

The answer is simple. Big Box are on the line to keep people lining up and coming back for these invasive treatments that may actually make things worse in the long run. Keeping gentle, less traumatic options, hidden away from mainstream consumers.

This same concept is the key to restoring skin impacted by somatic mutation damage and offsetting accelerated aging. Meaning that a natural glow will continue to show up in the mirror day after day month after month, a look of poised confidence that even your friends with the best plastic surgeon will seem to start envying.

We've taken a proprietary blend of powerful ingredients that are truly in a class by themselves. This specific formulation is blended harmoniously through our breakthrough nano activation process to achieve what we call the entourage effect. This is a skin care routine requires no surgeries, lasers, injections, or chemical peels. We don't have fillers or parabits anywhere inside any of bottles and use only our laboratory grade processes to produce DNA complex.

The keystone that brings this entourage effect all together is our patent pending four stage nano activation process. DNA complex is the first serum in the world to feature this breakthrough technology.

The approach that the team at Saratomical Revolution has always taken is using cutting edge clinical research and fusing it with nature's plant based wonders.

We have derived a blend of twelve game changing active ingredients that have never been methodically formulated into one serum before.

While we can't reveal all of our trade secrets, here are just a few of the cutting edge peptides that deliver powerful age defying results in just a few applications.

Radiance boost a powerful peptide which can help skin look younger and more vibrant by boosting its ability to repair itself. Hexepheptide eight, an amino peptide that helps to restore the skin's natural water barrier and helps bind water to the skin, improving dry skin. It also helps to improve skin less dysseity. It's designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth and eyes and on the forehead and cheeks among other areas.

Instant lift XD forms a stretching film on the surface of the skin to provide an immediate and durable tightening effect. It is rich in polyasides and sucrose, which help maximize permeation while tightening the surface of the affected area. To create the magic of this entourage effect, we had to work at a microscopic level with the fundamental building blocks our ingredients. This way, we can mix together special proprietary compounds that help skin look and feel younger for prolonged period.

Instead of just a quick fix. Here's how this new approach really changes the game for making skin tighter, healthier, and more confident. First, We use a process called high shear emulsifying to create a lot of heat and friction, allowing our ingredients to blend better and go deeper into the skin. It also allows for our world class team to ionically charge these ingredients, making them even more effective at penetrating the upper dermal layers of the skin.

Next, We use high frequency sonification to create bioactive lipids. These are like tiny bubbles that copy a cell's outer layer. We attach our charged ingredients to these lipids making sure they reach the skin areas that need help the most, while some regular skin care products can dry out or irritate your skin with these ingredients. Our method makes sure that the ingredients are gently pulled into your skin without causing any problems.

The last step is something we call, polymer encapsulation.

It helps our ingredients go deep into the skin and stay effective day after day. After all of these steps, our blend of powerful ingredients is ready to make your skin look and feel amazing in just a few minutes. We're the first in the world to mix these amazing ingredients in this unique way. There's no other product like this.

It's a true game changer for your skin We asked Rob what his biggest, uh-huh, moment was while his team was formulating this incredible new compound. I'm lucky enough that I work in a lab with a group of really good scientists and actually that last iteration when we gave it out to them and let them test that it was obvious at work. They felt it immediately. I think scientists at the most picky formulas are really picky.

Does it work? Does it not work? So when they embraced it and said, we're finally there. This is amazing.

They loved it, and you could see it. You could see the fine lines diminishing. So we have the ability through our encapsulation technology and the multitude of polymer systems that we integrate into the carrier. We're able to deliver these actives in the deeper layers of the skin.

So I think you'll see a significant benefit from doing that rather than just having a acting ingredient just lay on top of the skin and not really penetrate treating where it needs to. That's what excites us every day, and we continue to develop that. After sixty attempts, we knew that this final formulation was a total home run. Our results far exceeded all expectations and our clients were absolutely thrilled with their results.

We've developed this new formulation to target the unsightly parents of loose saggy skin on the lower face, jawline, and neck. The result, our clients looked five, ten, and for a few, twenty years younger, but proof is in the incredible effects that our clients have seen after months of implementing this into their daily skincare routine. I'd like to introduce deratomical revolutions deep, Nanoactive, or DNA complex. We are the first laboratory in the world to offer an anti aging formula that uses nanotechnology to address the look of the aging effects caused by somatic mutations, which is the crown jewel of our Sarah topical revolution lineup.

Any woman can now enjoy the appearance of their face, neck, and jawline that they never dreamed would be possible. My face was so fresh. It looked good. It was clean.

I felt like everything was getting tighter. It is beyond rewarding to hear from so many women who say our nano active system helped them feel like a brand new version of themselves. We invited a panel of over twenty five women to our offices in LA. To put our research to the test and see if all of this scientific hype was the real deal.

We found a group of people who all had struggled to find a skin care routine that gave them the confidence and consistency they wanted. Rob started breaking down how our science works and how by targeting these mutations in the deep dermal layers, you can offset the appearance of fine lines, furrows, and wrinkles. Many of our panelists who came in all had advanced levels of somatic mutations present in their skin. And it all kept going back to one main point.

There was simply no routine out there that adequately addressed the loose, crepey skin, facial lines, and furrows that greeted them every time they would look in the mirror or at a selfie. We had them use DNA complex in the studio, and we saw stunning transformations happen in just minutes.

Look at some of these results within just a few minutes of applying DNA complex for the very first time. We both know women have been let down by so many empty promises.

So it's really a treat to see something work better than we hope. And better than advertised.

After the initial shock passes, every single one of our customers returns to us with glowing reviews of DNA complex.

Here are just a few stories from real women who saw the fast acting effects with their own eyes.

The camera does not lie here as you can see too, the transformation happened on their face before their eyes. I am so impressed by this. It's so simple. You don't have to use a lot.

It feels great. It looks great. It feels clean. And that's my MO, you know, freshness.

I'm so impressed. I felt like everything was tighter. I felt like my face was alive, which is really important, you know, at this stage of the game. It's it's just a nice feeling to put this on your face before you do makeup.

It's really nice. You feel like you have something working. I would definitely recommend DNA complex to other people because what do we got to lose? First of all, and it smells wonderful.

It feels wonderful. And I just know that it's going to be a product that's different because of the science behind it is going to change my skin in ways that I haven't seen before. Absolutely three year old because that's my whole goal in skin care product, those exact issues. I'm so excited that science is catching up on the topical sign because I've been eating healthy for years, and it'd be nice to see products like DNA complex that are up to date.

I have completely noticed a difference, and it happened like that. Which is nothing short of a miracle. Seriously, this is like miracle on a bottle. That's what you guys should label this as.

This is miracle on a bottle. It happened that best. I mean, for something to work that quickly, you know, like, boom, that's unheard of. The whole line is unbelievable.

And because of that and because I've been using it for a long time, I trust the new DNA complex, three billion percent, this stuff is the best. I get to talk to a scientist about skin. I am a lucky girl because we women talk about it all the time. And we don't understand it.

All we understand is that we're trying to buy this, we're trying to buy that, but a girlfriend called me yesterday, she goes, well, Trisha, what do you use? Why does your skin look lifted? Why is it not like spotty? I don't know why these things work.

A big issue for me is lately is this collagen right here on my chin and just the saggy skin. Like I said, I I'm getting older. I look in mirror, and I think, oh, here's another wrinkle, here's another, and and an alter here. Why is good looking and healthy skin important to me?

Because I think it speaks to general and overall health and happiness. And I do believe that this is the biggest presentation we have for ourselves, and therefore it's critical to take care of it. It's critical to understand how important it is in overall representing your entire health and your joy. Your inner joy.

Being a woman and having expectations of what you're supposed to appear like are difficult, not that I was so egocentric that I it was important, what I looked like, but more than anything, I saw that face in the mirror, and I thought, that is not a happy person. The fact I spoke to a friend of mine, a very close friend on the way here, he said, I look at pictures of you now and you look different than you did then. What leads is your skin? When you walk into a room, the people that know you, they will remember that before they remember the purse.

Spend the money on what matters. You are looking for a that truly goes beneath the surface of your skin and works from the inside out. DNA complex is the one to get. It is affordable.

It's a must have in every woman's pocket.

Now that we know the true root cause of aging skin is the result of a decaying process known as somatic mutations which begins to inhibit the skin's ability to synthesize collagen and retain moisture at a cellular level. And we now know how DNA complex is the first product in the world that features deep nano active polymers that have been engineered to improve the look of skin damage caused by somatic mutations.

We see the results in real time with the hundreds of women that are already raving about age defying breakthrough. And the science has backed Saratomical Revolution's DNA complex to be the only serum that uses this unique encapsulation method. Let me ask a question. What will the vast majority of women see when they look in the mirror a month from now? I want us to be as honest and truthful as possible, so I need to say this. It would break my heart to see anyone miss out on this opportunity.

Because the truth is if they don't get their hands on Saratomical Revolution's DNA complex today, nothing will change. In fact, they'll keep looking older and more tired with each day that goes by. New wrinkles will appear. Many in places they've never noticed them before.

The skin around their face and neck will sag just a little more each morning, and they'll feel less and less visible to other people.

It doesn't have to be like this. With our help, women can now take control of somatic mutations and offset decades of an aged complexion, giving that wow factor around their friends, colleagues, and spouses as they enjoy that breathtaking youthful glow.

All this from simply taking advantage of the epigenetic breakthrough inside saratopo revolution's DNA complex.

And most of our clients are absolutely hooked after their first try when our clients use DNA Complex every day as part their makeup routine.

They'll have smooth, young looking skin, and even their closest friends, envy. Friends, family, and colleagues will beg them to share just one of their bottles with them. They won't believe that someone so vibrant, sexy, and confident could be in her forties, fifties, sixties and beyond. Yet any woman who's not one hundred percent amazed, a family and friends aren't telling them how amazing they look, then we will personally make sure Sarah Topical Revolution offers a full prompt reef fund within the first sixty days of using the DNA complex. Simply put our clients only pay if they're totally convinced works.

Now, sourcing these proprietary and patent pending ingredients in this format could cost you hundreds of dollar per bottle because and I can't stress this enough. Most of the ingredients used by the anti aging products you see in stores are not encapsulated at all, let alone at a sub micron level. The fake collagen boosting and watered down hyaluronic acid products marketed as fountain of youth miracles, all lack the crucial key to addressing the visible effects of somatic mutations.

Often, you're just paying big bucks for a trace amount of a sensationalized ingredient and a fancy package. In fact, when I tell you how much we normally sell DNA complex for on our website, you'll probably laugh. A full month's supply costs our clients just ninety nine dollars. That's an absolute steal compared to hundreds of dollars you'd pay for the same age defying effects you'd get if you ordered each ingredient individually.

And frankly, there are plenty of so called beauty products on the market right now that don't even come close to the dramatic results of our DNA complex, and yet they still often cost double or triple the price. I told you that the beauty industry was shady, but because you took the time to watch important research report today. I won't even charge you the standard ninety nine dollars. I'm not kidding.

Just press the button below this video and you'll be taken to a private order page where you can secure your supply of Saratomical Revolution's DNA complex for just seventy nine ninety nine per bottle. That's only a few bucks a day to help turn back the clock on your appearance. Keep your skin glowingly fresh, healthy, and youthful for the long haul, and it gets better because I wanna offer you an even bigger discount when you stock up. When you choose to invest in our one hundred and fifty day supply, I'm gonna give you an additional sizable discount on top of today's already reduced price.

Imagine having access to the secret formula used by Hollywood's elite to maintain their youthful glow. Now, this dream a reality. Our brand new DNA complex has just hit the market, and while we're being blessed with a steady supply of ingredients from our trusted sources, we have another secret weapon in our arsenal. A strategic partnership with Academy Award winning actress Nicole Kidman.

She's been a loyal user of our products for several years and has partnered with us to bring the entire stereotypical revolution line into the spotlight. Trust us when we tell you, once the word gets out, she goes viral. Demand for this Hollywood miracle will skyrocket and prices will follow suit. We are absolutely positive that there will be a worldwide supply shortage, and we're urging our insiders to lock in one hundred and fifty day supplies at the current price.

We can only guarantee the price in fourteen day increments, so it is absolutely vital to act before her post goes viral. Now, if you've ever been to appointed by a similar product in the past. I completely understand, and I don't blame you. Now, here's why DNA Complex will work for you.

A lot of what's out there simply does not work or it provides such minimal results. It's not even worth spending money on. This is also why we go the extra mile and have each and every batch of our products third party tested to ensure that what you see is exactly what you get. No extra ingredients, no fillers, no alcohol, no active ingredients that aren't rooted in nature, period to ensure that our products of the purest quality possible.

I am so confident that you'll see a complete difference with DNA complex. I'm making this offer totally risk for so you can feel comfortable trying it today, seeing how it works for you, and then deciding whether or not you'd like to keep it. Requesting a refund is as simple as contacting our customer support staff at one eight hundred six two five four two one one or by sending us an email at customer care at seratomicalrevolution dot com. We'll make sure you're taken care of no matter what, and we just have that much confidence offer this because for the vast majority of people that have tried it, the results are nothing short of a game changer.

So click on the link below to give it a try today. Unfortunately, as this is an internet only offer available right here, we cannot offer this heavily this counted price anywhere else. Let alone with a no questions asked return policy. There is just one little catch to this offer since we've just begun produce DNA complex within the past few weeks.

Our cutting edge encapsulation technology has unlocked the full potential of these rare and exclusive ingredients But you must act fast because we know that these prices will skyrocket once word gets out about the upside at ninety nine ninety nine? Well, we have already almost sold out of our entire supply at that price. So we aren't even sure how long we'll be keeping this deal going. Rest assured, if you're watching this video, you've got access for just a few short minutes to this incredible price of just seventy nine ninety nine per bottle.

And the deal gets even sweeter for you if you decide to stock up on a three or five month supply of DNA complex, Supply chain constraints will be a certainty once word gets out. Trust us that this price may disappear and any time. If you're ready to discover this exclusive entourage effect that's been taking Hollywood by storm, if you'd like to watch those stubborn fine lines, furrows, and other areas of concern just evaporate right before your eyes. Then I am urging you to order now while we're still available to offer this phenomenal price of just seventy nine ninety nine per bottle.

Just click the button below. There's no other age defying product on the market that contains our unique complete skin solution, and we don't want anyone to miss out on an opportunity to regain a youthful look that makes you feel great about your skin because let's face it. None of us are getting any younger. But by ordering today at this video exclude of price of just seventy nine ninety nine per bottle with our world class money back guarantee.

You'll be taking perhaps what is the most important step you could on your journey to youthful vibrant looking skin. Skin that looks young, tight, and glowing, skin that shows your health, your youth, and beauty to the world. And when that happens, you can finally regain that confident youthful feeling that comes with knowing you look your very best. In fact, the best feat back we get from our clients is something I like to call the youthful moment that usually happens when you least expect it just getting ready in the morning or even catching your reflection in the rearview mirror, you suddenly see a you that is hardly recognizable, a you that looks fresh, healthy, and glowing.

You reach up and touch your face and you can't even remember the last time it felt so soft and smooth. Then you think back and realize you've been feeling more confident for a few weeks without even realizing it. Some may find this feeling hard to put into exact words, but as the day goes on and that joyousness remains with you, you lies, that this feeling is actually changing your life in the end. That's the reason we got into this business in the first place.

When we decided to start engineering this formula almost five years ago because there isn't nothing more rewarding than seeing what happens to people when you help them achieve that happy and radiant look. So please click on the button below to try Saratomical Revolution's DNA complex for yourself right now. We guarantee you'll be satisfied or your money back. It's that simple.

Thanks again for your time and attention on behalf of the entire team at Saratomical Revolution we wish you a wonderful, happy, and healthy journey towards inner skin health. Thanks for watching.